Resources, Tools, Tips, and Tricks available to help you live a life that’s tuned-in to yourself, your thoughts, and your desires!

I began creating a library of resources back when I first started recovering from chronic illness in 2012. To keep the story short (since you can learn more about it on my YouTube channel and blog) I woke up suddenly ill one morning and have seen roughly over 28 doctors to find answers. In the meantime though, I needed to try treatments on my own to find relief. I began learning Reiki, practicing meditation, dabbling in yoga and qigong, and also embarked on a High Performance journey– studying from greats like Brendon Burchard, Marie Forleo, Gabby Bernstein, the legend Oprah, Tony Robbins, Kyle Cease, and more. Beyond these amazing teachers and thought leaders, I also learned the lost art of Listening to Myself (or as I call it– Tuning In). I started the Tuning In with Sooz series on YouTube and through fun, sharing stories, and listening to my gut am able to spread universal messages of recovery, wellness, and good ole’ fashion play to the masses.

In this resources section, you will find a few of the tools I created through the lessons I learned from great teachers and myself. My goal is to provide as many people with techniques to cope when life feels tough (or IS tough!) and help you learn to empower yourself and be the ultimate role model for how to love yourself– unconditionally!

Below you will find resources including:

Let me know which of these tools has helped you, or if you are interested in learning more. And sign up for the newsletter to be the first to receive news about a new Resource.

It’s Here!

Release Bad Habits and Envision Your BEST Future through the Hero’s Journey Experience

“Hindsight is great Insight.”

Leapin’ Lizards 2! Finally here! This great video interviews counselor and Clarity Coach, Kimmy Casey. Kimmy is a lead Drug and Alcohol Addictions Counselor at the Erie Prison. She sat down with me and discussed one of her favorite counseling tools: The Hero’s Journey. By helping her clients write their own Hero’s Journey, she empowers them with the gift of hindsight, as well as envisioning a better future for themselves. This therapy doesn’t just shed a positive light on the process of change– it gets right into the nitty gritty and how to deal with obstacles that can derail personal transformation.

And Stay Tuned for the release of the Hero’s Journey MadLib PDF download of the – so you too can use this therapuetic tool to embark on a journey to change a habit that isn’t serving you, and embrace one that does! Sign up to receive the newsletter to hear it first:

The Three Thumps

Release stress, re-energize yourself, and improve concentration

in less than 1 minute

As a Reiki practitioner, I have always loved learning simple ways to engage body and mind to help support recovery from everyday stresses. Working full-time, trying to get all the chores done, and still fit in time to take care of yourself can be very difficult at times- so finding a simple “quick tip” that helps you refocus throughout the day is immensely helpful. The Three Thumps is a widely known Energy Medicine technique, that I first came across in Donna Eden’s book, Energy Medicine. This technique helps blood flow throughout your body by ‘thumping’ on three different points. These points align with the lymphatic system, and help clear away mess and build up (think toxins and/or sinus gunk). Download the PDF so you have a reminder to try it each day. I recommend trying it first thing in the morning, and it’s also useful to use on breaks at work and periodically throughout the day.

If this trick has helped you, be sure to leave me a comment in the Three Thumps YouTube video’s comment section telling me about your experience! I’m always excited to hear viewers thoughts.

Download the Three Thumps PDF:
This video walks you through the process:

Videos for Abundance and Gratitude

Videos that mend broken Abundance Bones and Generate more Gratitude

Videos for Health and Wellness

Videos that restore your body and mind

Videos for Peace of Mind

Videos that calm your chaotic mind and enhance joy

Videos for Patience and Rest

Videos that help you slow down, and calm your anxieties

Videos for Forgiving the Past

Videos that help you release the past and focus on the NOW

Videos for Chronic Illness

Videos about chronic illness and personal experiences

Videos for Nature PSA

Videos to remind you to enjoy the great outdoors and how it heals the soul

Most Recent Upload on YouTube:

View the most recent video upload and see what’s up and how to tune in to yourself in the process!
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